Artists' Collectives
Presentations written by each artist collective, edited by Ana Vivaldi
Teatro en Sepia
The Teatro en Sepia company (TES) was created in 2010 by the director and actress Alejandra Egido to challenge the historical and persistent indifference and oblivion towards the presence of the descendants of enslaved Africans in Argentina, as well as past and current Afro-descendant migrants.
El Katango
The Mapuche theatre group “El Katango” emerged in 2002, in the Patagonian city of Bariloche, Argentina. The group's work is part of the "Mapuche Wefkvletuyiñ Campaign for Self-Affirmation - We Are Resurfacing", a network that aimed to question indigenous stereotypes and make visible the urban presence of the Mapuche and raise awareness about their heterogeneous experiences in the present. Katango is the name of a traditional ox-drawn cart and signifies the Mapuche movement as a strategy for survival.
Eskina Qom
Brothers Brian and Nahuel López have played on the hip hop circuit in Buenos Aires for more than seven years. In 2016, together with the “Amambay 100000” project, they released their first album, Rap Originario, produced by Corco Bravo and composed of 8 original songs.
Eskina Qom's album is available for free on the Soundcloud platform.
Identidad Marrón
Identidad Marrón (Brown Identity) is a collective that emerged as a response to Argentina’s invisible racism. It aims to create a meeting point, and visibility space for Indigenous people and mixed-race people considered “negrxs populares”, whom the collective defines as “Marronxs”. “Marronxs” are people with Indigenous ancestry who may or may not recognise themselves as such, as well as the city-born children of campesinos, Indigenous people, and immigrants from the countryside and neighbouring countries. They promote anti-racist strategies and affirm the non-white skins and faces that the myth of a white Argentina has tried to silence.