Further Resources
The images in this exhibition have been sourced from the University Archives’ photographic collection.
The Archives includes institutional records of UMIST and its predecessors. These records provide invaluable background information on the development of the UMIST campus, and have been used in the research for this exhibition. See the Special Collections Guide for a description of the University Archives.
In addition to the University Archives, the following sources have been useful in compiling the exhibition:
- Vivian Bowden, Proposals for the Development of the Manchester College of Science and Technology (Manchester 1956)
- Richard Brook, The Renewal of Post-War Manchester: Regionality and the Architecture of Cruickshank & Seward (Ph.D. University of Manchester 2018)
- D S L Cardwell (ed.), Artisan to graduate: essays to commemorate the foundation in 1824 of the Manchester Mechanics' Institution, now in 1974 the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (Manchester 1974)
- Clare Hartwell, Manchester (Pevsner Architectural Guides), (London 2001)
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If you are a rights holder and are concerned that you have found material on our site for which you have not given permission or is not covered by an exception or exemption in national law, please contact the University’s Copyright Guidance Service, who will deal with your submission in accordance with the University’s takedown notice.