
Exhibition Curator

  • Jessica Smith - Creative Arts Archivist, The John Rylands Research Institute and Library

With thanks to

  • Michael Schmidt, Managing Director of Carcanet Press
  • John McAuliffe, Co-director of the Centre for New Writing, The University of Manchester and editor at Carcanet Press

The Carcanet Archive

The Carcanet Press Archive is extensive and comprehensive, and first found a permanent home with the University of Manchester Special Collections in the 1970s. It continues to receive regular accruals, and additional material is partially catalogued and available via enquiry to the curator. More recent correspondence, in the form of email, has been acquired in digital format.

Materials within the archive, which continues to expand, fall into two primary categories:

•    Editorial papers: book production files for each Carcanet title and issue of PN Review, including manuscripts, annotated proofs and related material such as correspondence.
•    Administrative papers: correspondence files, which include letters exchanged with Carcanet authors, contributors to PN Review, translators, editors, publishers, literary magazines, agents and others.

Find out how to view material in the reading rooms in the John Rylands Research Institute and Library.

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If you suspect, or become aware, that any Content may potentially or actually infringe the rights of any other party (including rights related to the protection of IP, privacy and/or reputation) please contact the University’s Copyright Guidance Service in accordance with the University’s takedown notice.